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Mac Network Commands Cheat Sheet

After writing up the presentation for MacSysAdmin in Sweden, I decided to go ahead and throw these into a quick cheat sheet for anyone who’d like to have them all in one place. Good luck out there, and stay salty. Get an ip address for en0: ipconfig getifaddr en0 Same thing, but setting and echoing a variable: ip=`ipconfig getifaddr en0` ; echo $ip View the subnet mask of en0: ipconfig getoption en0 subnet_mask View the dns server for en0: ipconfig getoption en0 domain_name_server Get information about how en0 got its dhcp on: ipconfig getpacket en1 View some network info: ifconfig en0 Set en0 to have an ip address of and a subnet mask of ifconfig en0 inet netmask Show a list of locations on the computer: networksetup -listlocations Obtain the active location the system is using: networksetup -getcurrentlocation Create a network location called Work and populate it with information from the active network connection: networksetup -createlocation Work populate Delete a network location called Work: networksetup -deletelocation Work Switch the active location to a location called Work: networksetup -switchlocation Work Switch the active location to a location called Work, but also show the GUID of that location so we can make scripties with it laters: scselect Work List all of the network interfaces on the system: networksetup -listallnetworkservices Rename the network service called Ethernet to the word Wired: networksetup -renamenetworkservice Ethernet Wired Disable a network interface: networksetup -setnetworkserviceenabled off Change the order of your network services: networksetup -ordernetworkservices “Wi-Fi” “USB Ethernet” Set the interface called Wi-Fi to obtain it if it isn’t already networksetup -setdhcp Wi-Fi Renew dhcp leases: ipconfig set en1 BOOTP && ipconfig set en1 DHCP ifconfig en1 down && ifconfig en1 up Renew a dhcp lease in a script: echo "add State:/Network/Interface/en0/RefreshConfiguration temporary" | sudo scutil Configure a manual static ip address: networksetup -setmanual Wi-Fi Configure the dns servers for a given network interface: networksetup -setdnsservers Wi-Fi Obtain the dns servers used on the Wi-Fi interface: networksetup -getdnsservers Wi-Fi Stop the application layer firewall: launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.alf.useragent.plist
launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.alf.agent.plist Start the application layer firewall: launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.alf.agent.plist
launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.alf.useragent.plist Allow an app to communicate outside the system through the application layer firewall: socketfilterfw -t
“/Applications/FileMaker Pro/FileMaker Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/FileMaker Pro” See the routing table of a Mac: netstat -nr Add a route so that traffic for communicates over the network interface: route -n add Log bonjour traffic at the packet level: sudo killall -USR2 mDNSResponder Stop Bonjour: launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.mDNSResponder.plist
 Start Bojour: launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.mDNSResponder.plist Put a delay in your pings: ping -i 5 Ping the hostname 5 times and then stop the ping: ping -c 5 google.com Flood ping the host: ping -f localhost Set the packet size during your ping: ping -s 100 google.com Customize the source IP during your ping: ping -S google.com View disk performance: iostat -d disk0 Get information about the airport connection on your system: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/A/Resources/airport -I Scan the available Wireless networks: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/A/Resources/airport -s Trace the path packets go through: traceroute google.com Trace the routes without looking up names: traceroute -n google.com Trace a route in debug mode: traceroute -d google.com View information on all sockets: netstat -at View network information for ipv6: netstat -lt View per protocol network statistics: netstat -s View the statistics for a specific network protocol: netstat -p igmp Show statistics for network interfaces: netstat -i View network information as it happens (requires ntop to be installed): ntop Scan port 80 of www.google.com /System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/Network\ Utility.app/Contents/Resources/stroke www.google.com 80 80 Port scan https://krypted.com/ stealthily: nmap -sS -O https://krypted.com//24 Establish a network connection with www.apple.com: nc -v www.apple.com 80 Establish a network connection with gateway.push.apple.com over port 2195 /usr/bin/nc -v -w 15 gateway.push.apple.com 2195 Establish a network connection with feedback.push.apple.com only allowing ipv4 /usr/bin/nc -v -4 feedback.push.apple.com 2196 Setup a network listener on port 2196 for testing: /usr/bin/nc -l 2196 Capture some packets: tcpdump -nS Capture all the packets: tcpdump -nnvvXS Capture the packets for a given port: tcpdump -nnvvXs 548 Capture all the packets for a given port going to a given destination of tcpdump -nnvvXs 548 dst Capture the packets as above but dump to a pcap file: tcpdump -nnvvXs 548 dst -w /tmp/myfile.pcap Read tcpdump (cap) files and try to make them human readable: tcpdump -qns 0 -A -r /var/tmp/capture.pcap What binaries have what ports and in what states are those ports: lsof -n -i4TCP Make an alias for looking at what has a listener open, called ports: alias ports='lsof -n -i4TCP | grep LISTEN' Report back the name of the system: hostname Flush the dns cache: dscacheutil -flushcache Clear your arp cache: arp -ad View how the Server app interprets your network settings: serveradmin settings network Whitelist the ip address /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/libexec/afctl -w Finally, the script network_info.sh shows information about a Macs network configuration. Both active and inactive network interfaces are listed, in the order that they are used by the OS and with a lot of details (MAC-address, interface name, router, subnet mask etc.).

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